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Working towards a constitution for California... All is not good in California...
Working towards a constitution for California... All is not good in California...
Item # 678561
December 10, 1849
* Monterey Convention
* California Statehood ?
Over half of page 2 is taken up with: "The News From California", much of it having to do with the constitutional convention as they work towards statehood. Included as well: "To The People of California" and: "Proclamation To the People of California". A great wealth of reporting on creating a constitution.
Page 3 has a brief article: "Returning Californians" which notes: "...The discouraging reports brought by the California's passengers, with the more undeniable evidence in the haggard looks & wasted frames of many unfortunates, has induced many on the Isthmus to take the back track...".
Four pages, archivally strengthened at the blank & irregular spine, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War