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A great wealth of Constitution-related content...

Item # 676198

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THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, (Philadelphia), August, 1788  Among the articles are: "Observations on the Evil Consequences Attending the Excessive use of Spirituous Liquors" "Thoughts on the Law Prohibiting Hogs to Prowl the Streets of Philadelphia"; a continuation of: "Observations on the Constitution Proposed by the Late Federal Convention" which takes over 6 1/2 pages; a nice chart which lists the dates each state ratified the Constitution, plus the vote count.
Also a report on the ratification of the Constitution by Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Virginia. Also: "The Declaration of Rights & the Amendments to the New Constitution Agreed by the Convention of Virginia..."; "Ratification of the New Constitution by the Convention of the State of New York" which takes over 5 pages. And even more content concerning the Constitution.
Near the back is: "American Intelligence" which has recent news reports, and which includes more talk on efforts to ratify the Constitution.
Complete in 104 pages, disbound without any full title page however the "Contents" page is at the back, wide, never-trimmed margins, 5 1/4 by 8 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

This title, along with the "Columbian Magazine", has the honor of being the first successful American magazine, both published in Philadelphia. The Museum was published by Mathew Carey and existed from January, 1787 thru the end of 1792.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's