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Death of famed actor Gergory Peck...
Death of famed actor Gergory Peck...
Item # 675480
June 13, 2003
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 13, 2003
* Gregory Peck death (1st report)
* Hollywood movie - film actor
* "To Kill a Mockingbird" fame
* Best title to be had ?
The top of the ftpg. has a boxed section headed: "Gregory Peck - 1916 - 2003" with 4 photos of him, and a 2 column head: "Peck Was 'Last Aristocrat' Of Hollywood Golden Era". The article carries over to take all of page 26 with banner headline: "Hollywood Loses Modest Hero" with 7 more photos of him (see). Nice to have this report in a newspaper from the capital of the entertainment industry as well as the city from where he died.
The complete first section only with pages 1-38, nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century