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Details concerning the commercial treaty with England...

Item # 674648

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November 08, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 8, 1783 

* re. Treaty of Paris (1783)
* Restart commerce again

The front page has a report concerning the proposed treaty ending the war, one bit noting: "Notwithstanding your friends have spoken about including Ireland in the commercial treaty now pending between Great Britain and the United States of North America, the British commissioner has not done it...I am confident that the American Ministers, Mr. Adams, Dr. Franklin, and Mr. Jay, will most cordially agree to include Ireland...".
A letter from a Virginian mentions in part: "Should a commercial treaty between these states and Great Britain be agitated, I would recommend it to you to have your kingdom...that your Parliament is now  the sold regulator of Irish commerce..." and more.
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, very nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War