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Mention of Newfoundland and the West Indies in a 1697 newspaper...
Mention of Newfoundland and the West Indies in a 1697 newspaper...
Item # 672696
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July 05, 1697
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, July 5, 1697
* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had
The first column of the front page has a few mentions of the "new world" amongst shipping notices, including: "The ships of the Flora, which returned lately from the West Indies, are now unlading...6 English merchant ships bound home and one for Newfoundland..." and then further on: "...two French ships, one bound to Newfoundland, which the master ransomed for 4,000 livres and the other bound home with sugars and indigo from the West Indies."
A single sheet issue, 7 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice condition
Category: The 1600's and 1700's