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The historic Fredericton Cathedral, New Brunswick...
The historic Fredericton Cathedral, New Brunswick...
Item # 669906
April 28, 1849
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, April 28, 1849 Amongst the many interesting prints within perhaps the most notable is the print of: "Fredericton Cathedral, New Brunswick" which has a related article: "The Cathedral, Fredericton, New Brunswick, North America".
Not only does this cathedral still stand, it is a National Historic Site of Canada. According to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board it is "one of the best examples of eschatological Gothic Revival architecture in Canada and it established an architectural pattern followed in the design of many large and small churches in 19th-century Canada".
This print was created during the midst of construction, begun in 1845 and consecrated in 1853.
Sixteen pages, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War