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Surrender of Belgrade...

George Whitefield... Methodism... Hebrew customs...

Item # 669527 THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, September, 1739

* Historical Jewish and Christian content
* George Whitefield
* Surrender of Belgrade

One of the articles within is headed: "Continuation  of the dissertation begun in our Last Whether the Hebrews Borrow'd any Customs from the Heathens" which takes over 1 1/2 pages (see photos for portions). Another article has "Manifesto of the Catholick Majesty..." concerning a payment to the South Sea Tea Company. A series of articles includes: "The Calculation of Mr. Whitefield's Hearers Justified", and two others related to Methodism.

Near the back is a section headed: "Historical Chronicle" with news from England & other parts of Europe which includes a rather lengthy account which tells of the surrender of Belgrade (see photos).

Among the other articles noted in the table of contents are: "The Original Meaning of the Words, Liberty of the Press" "Debate in the House of Lords, 1675, on Addressing the King to Dissolve the Parliament" "Mal-Practices of the Navy Officers" and more.
There is much reporting on events in Parliament under the guise of: "Proceedings, etc. in the Senate of Lilliput".

Complete in 54 pgs. with full title/index page which contains an engraving of St. John's Gate, measures about 5 by 8 inches and is in very good condition.

A very nice pre-Revolutionary War magazine from the "mother country" with a wide range of varied content including news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other unusual tidbits. This was the first periodical to use the word "magazine" in its title, having begun in 1731 and lasting until 1907.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's