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Honoring Hamilton... Sam Adams Proclamation...

Item # 669067

March 11, 1795

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR THE WORCESTER GAZETTE, March 11, 1795  Page 2 has a report of a gift given to Mrs. Washington for the President's birth day. Also a letter from Fort Washington beginning: "The Indians have by their deputies generally applied for a Treaty of Peace with the United States..."
Page 3 has mention that: "...a resolution...to manifest their respect for Alexander Hamilton, the late Secretary of the Treasury, gave him a splendid dinner..." with a bit more.
Page 3 also has: "A Proclamation" for a day of feasting, humiliation and prayer, signed by the governor: Samuel Adams.
Four pages, good condition. Decorative ads on the back page.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's