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1st balloon flight into the stratosphere...
1st balloon flight into the stratosphere...
Item # 658313
May 27, 1931
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., May 27, 1931
* 1st ballooning flight into the stratosphere
* Auguste Piccard & Paul Kipfer
The front page has a one column heading: "BALLOON LEAVES FOR HIGHT NEVER REACHED BY MAN" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the takeoff of the very 1st balloon flight to reach the stratosphere.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 30 pages, light toning at the margins, tiny binding holes along the spine, generally nice.
wikipedia notes: In 1930, an interest in ballooning, and a curiosity about the upper atmosphere led him to design a spherical, pressurized aluminum gondola that would allow ascent to great altitude without requiring a pressure suit. Supported by the Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) Piccard constructed his gondola.
On May 27, 1931, Auguste Piccard and Paul Kipfer took off from Augsburg, Germany, and reached a record altitude of 15,785 m (51,775 ft). During this flight, Piccard was able to gather substantial data on the upper atmosphere, as well as measure cosmic rays.
Category: The 20th Century