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Siege of Louisbourgh, Nova Scotia...
Siege of Louisbourgh, Nova Scotia...
Item # 657558
October 27, 1746
EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Oct. 27, 1746
* Siege of Louisbourg - French Canada
* War of the Austrian Succession
* King George's War
Pages 1 & 2 are mostly taken up with reports of the War of Austrian Succession.
Page 3 has reports on King George's War in North America, focused on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. One item mentions: "...landed some 1000 men with a large train of artillery, and immediately commanded the governor of Louisbourgh to surrender, and being refused, he directly attack'd the town in the most vigorous manner both by sea and land...".
Four pages, four red tax stamp on the front page, great condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's