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Nine consecutive "Graphic Sections" with the serialized: "I Knew Hitler..."

Item # 656705

November 06, 1938

CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE--Graphic Section  This is a nine part series of a book by Kurt G. Ludecke titled: "I Knew Hitler...The Story of a Nazi Who Escaped the Blood-Purge."
Excerpts from the book were serialized in the Sunday "Graphic Section" of the Chicago Tribune, beginning with November 6, 1938 and ending with January 1, 1939. All nine sections are included.
The book was written the previous year, and even when the series appeared before its Chicago readers in 1938-9, much of the horrors of the Hitler Nazi machine were yet to happen. Kristallnacht happened within days after the first installment of November 6.
Prefacing the text in the first installment is: "This is the story of the great disillusionment of a man who once revered Adolf Hitler as his hero. He sees Hitler now as a cold-blooded, unscrupulous opportunist whose egomania has distorted him into a messianic fraud...".
Each section is complete with 8 to 12 pages, all featuring various color pages & ads. These are the "rag edition" printed on very high quality newsprint meant for institutional holdings. In great condition as such, 4 small binding holes at the blank spine.

Category: World War II