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Paul MCullough suicide... comedian actor...

Item # 655630

March 26, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 26, 1936

* Paul McCullough suicide death
* Comedian - actor
* Clark and McCullough comedy team

The top of page 11 has a one column heading: "M'CULLOUGH DIES OF HIS INJURIES" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on the suicide death on comedian actor Paul MCCullough.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 48 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was produced on very high quality newsprint, with a high percentage of cotton & linen content, allowing the issues to remain very white & sturdy into the present. Given the subscription cost, libraries & institutions rather than individuals were the primary subscribers of these high-quality editions. Nice condition.

wikipedia notes: He checked himself into a sanitarium for what was later described as "nervous exhaustion". Upon his release on March 23, a friend picked him up to drive him to Manhattan. As they drove through the town of Medford, McCullough asked his friend to stop at a local barber shop as he wanted to get a shave. McCullough ordered a shave from the barber with whom he casually chatted. After the shave was completed, McCullough grabbed the barber's razor and cut his throat and wrists. He was rushed to Lawrence Memorial Hospital where he died on March 25.

Category: The 20th Century