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1939 Annexation of Marble Hill, Manahttan to Bronx ?....
1939 Annexation of Marble Hill, Manahttan to Bronx ?....
Item # 653777
March 12, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 12, 1939
* Marble Hill, Manhattan
* Annexation to the Bronx
* James J. Lyons political stunt
* "The Bronx Sudetenland"
The top of page 43 has a one column heading: "MARBLE HILL AREA ANNEXED TO BRONX" with subheads and related photo. (see) Probably only reported in a New York City publication.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 46 pages, rag edition in nice condition.
wikipedia notes: On March 11, 1939, as a publicity stunt, Bronx Borough President James J. Lyons planted the Bronx County flag on the rocky promontory at 225th Street and Jacobus Place. Lyons proclaimed Marble Hill as a part of the Bronx and demanded the subservience of its residents to that borough, saying it was "The Bronx Sudetenland," referring to Hitler’s 1938 annexation of a region of Czechoslovakia. The incident was met with boos and nose-thumbing by 50 residents of Marble Hill. Since then, more lighthearted "annexations" have occurred.
Category: The 20th Century