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Great issue for any golf enthusiast...
Great issue for any golf enthusiast...
Item # 650015
December 11, 1897
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 11, 1897
* Famous A.B. Frost golfer illustration: "THE DRIVE"
* Complete issue with displayable front cover
* Pike's Peak sunrise print by F.P. Stevens
Certainly the prime print is the great full front page print by the famed artist A.B. Frost titled: "The Drive" showing a golfer about to tee off, with others behind him.* Complete issue with displayable front cover
* Pike's Peak sunrise print by F.P. Stevens
Inside is a one-third page portrait of "Professor Henry Drisler."; a full pg. illus. of: "England's Little War in India."; a doublepage centerfold of: "The New York Public Library Astor Lenox and Tilden Foundations"; a full pg. print of: "A Great Coast Defence [Defense] Gun for the Protection of New York Harbor"; and a half pg. print of: "Sunrise from the top of Pike's Peak."
Towards the back of the issue there is also a "Review of College Football".
Complete in 24 pages, nice condition.
Category: 1890-1899