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Richard E. Byrd welcome home...
Richard E. Byrd welcome home...
Item # 647661
July 19, 1927
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 19, 1927
* Aviator Richard E. Byrd
* Transatlantic airplane flight
* New York City welcome home
The top of the front page has a nice banner headline: "NEW YORK WELCOMES BYRD, HIS CREW AND CHAMBERLAIN; BRAVES RAIN TO CHEER TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT HEROES; THEIR PROGRESS UP BROADWAY TO CITY HALL A TRIUMPH" with many subheads and photo. Much more on the followings pages with full page pictorial. Loads of text. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 48 pages, a little irregular along the spine, generally nice.
Category: The 20th Century