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Creating the League of Nations...
Creating the League of Nations...
Item # 647206
January 26, 1919
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 26, 1919
* League of Nation adopted
* International Organization
* Treaty of Versailles
The front page features a three line banner headline: "LEAGUE OF NATIONS PLAN IS ADOPTED; PEACE CONFERENCE ACTS ON WILSON PLEA, STRONGLY SUPPORTED BY LLOYD GEORGE" with various related subheads. Also on the ftpg. is: "Text of Wilson's Speech to Peace Conference Pointing Out Need of a League of Nations". This was the precursor to the United Nations and an outcome of the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication. Nice for display.
Complete 1st section only with all 22 pages, a little irregular along the spine, generally nice.
Category: The 20th Century