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Obeying the "rules of war'... Hopes for an early end to the war...

Item # 622091

December 24, 1778

THE GAZETTEER & NEW DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Dec. 24, 1778  The front page has a lengthy report to the King concerning following the "rules of war" in the prosecution of their goals in America. Heading the article is a quote: "Nothing will be done in American contrary to the practice of the most civilized nations in Europe." The bottom of the ftpg. has another letter concerning the war in America, carrying over to pg. 2 & includes: "...America can no longer be considered as having any relation to, or connection with this country. she has assumed sovereign power, entered into formal engagements with the Court of France...May all ranks of people unite against ALL the enemies of Great Britain, wherever situated!...".
The back page has over a column taken up with an address of the people of New York to Sir Henry Clinton, seemingly by those sympathetic to the British cause with some hope for a quick end to the Revolutionary War (see for portions).
Four pages, very nice, clean condition.

Category: Revolutionary War