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Joe DiMaggio plans to enlist in U.S. Army...
Joe DiMaggio plans to enlist in U.S. Army...
Item # 617326
January 14, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 14, 1943
* Joe DiMaggio decides to enlist in U.S. Army
* New York Yankees
* Marriage troubles with Dorothy Arnold
This 42 page newspaper has a banner headline on page 27: "Joe DiMaggio, Reconciled With Wife, Plans to Enlist; Reiser, Dodgers, in Army" with subheads that include: "YANKEES WILL LOSE THEIR OUTFIELD ACE" "DiMaggio, After Settlement of Marital Differences, Tells of Plan to enter Service" and more with related photo (see photos). Nice to have in this famous NYC title.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Minor margin wear, generally nice.
Category: The 20th Century