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Naples is captured by the Austrians...
Naples is captured by the Austrians...
Item # 615527
May 16, 1821
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C.., May 16, 1821 The front page has historic content on the history of Italy with the top of the page: "The Fate Of Naples Decided!" and within the article is: "...The papers announce the important fact that the Neapolitians have FAILED IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO ESTABLISH A FREE GOVERNMENT! They have signed a convention with the Austrians & the war in Italy is ended..." and further down a report notes: "A telegraphic despatch announces that the Austrians ENTERED NAPLES on the 25th."
Pages 2 & 3 each of a detailed reward ad for a runaway slave, plus: "News From the Congress Frigate" announcing its arrival at Rio de Janmeiro. Also: "To the Citizens of the United States" begins: "The cession of the Floridas to the United States commences a new era in our commercial history..." with much more, taking over a column.
Four pages, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War