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The Daniel Sickles case, with the verdict...

Item # 605346

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April 27, 1859

SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 27, 1859  This four page "Supplement" issue is almost entirely taken up with very detailed reports on: "The Sickles Trial" "Arguments & Speeches on Both Sides" "Verbatim Reports of the Addresses of Mr. Carlisle for the Prosecution & Mr. Stanton & Mr. Brady for the Defence" "The Prayers For Instructions to the Jury" "Verdict of the Jury--Mr. Sickles Acquitted".
This is a terrific single-issue synopsis of this famous trial which was the first use of a plea of temporary insanity by a criminal defendant. This made the Daniel Sickles case noteworthy in American legal history (see the hyperlink for more). The reporting takes of of pages 1, 2, 3 & a bit of page 4, ending with: "...Judge Crawford then delivered his instructions, and at 2 o'clock the case was submitted to the jury, who after a brief absence, returned a verdict of 'NOT GUILTY.'..." with a bit more (see).
Four pages, a bit irregular at the blank spine, nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War