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First report on John F. Kennedy's assassination... In a Dallas newspaper...

Item # 604515

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November 22, 1963

THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD, Texas, November 22, 1963  Serious collectors always try to obtain historic newspapers from the city where the event happened. For JFK's assassination that would be a Dallas newspaper.
Of the two newspapers which published in Dallas in 1963 only the TIMES HERALD reported the assassination on the same day it happened--November 22. The MORNING NEWS, being a morning newspaper, reported the assassination in its November 23 issue.
Here is the complete first section with pages 1-22 of the TIMES HERALD newspaper of November 22 with the very large & dramatic banner headline reading: "PRESIDENT DEAD" with a subhead reading: "Connally Also Hit By Sniper".
There is also a large ftpg. photo captioned: "This picture was taken at Love Field on the President's arrival." The balance of the ftpg. is taken up with assassination reports which carry over to inside pages (two written by Jim Lehrer).
A premier issue for any 20th century collection. Evenly toned throughout, very nice condition.

Category: The 20th Century