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Much on Indian treaties...
Much on Indian treaties...
Item # 599850
April 24, 1819
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 24, 1819 Among the articles are: "How to Tame an Elephant!" "Indian Treaties Ratified at the Late Session of Congress" which takes two pages; "Mexican Coinage"; a brief item: "Negro Stealing" reads: "Sentence of death has been pronounced on a fellow in North Carolina for negro stealing. If hanging is right--let him be hanged!"
Complete in 16 pages, 6 by 9 3/4 inches, very nice condition.
As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States...Devoted primarily to politics...considered an important source for the history of the period."
Category: Pre-Civil War