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Religious thoughts as the Civil War approaches... Thoughts of secession...

Item # 598900

November 30, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 30, 1860 

* Pre Civil War tensions
* Religious sermons

The focus of this issue is on the secession of states from the Union, and religious unity under the heading of "Thanksgiving Day". The latter topic has a variety of sermons in New York City including: "Christ's Mission" by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher; "Christian Patriotism--Sermon by the Rev. Dd. Porter" "The Rev. E. H. Chapin's Sermon" "Public Prayer the Stronghold of Public Peace--Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Morgan" and more, found on pages 7 & 8. On the former topic there is: "Emigration from the Slave to the Free States" "Are We Going to Fight?" "Refusal to Convene the Maryland Legislature--His Views on Secession" "Kentucky For the Union" "Henry Ward Beecher on Secession" "Reasons For Secession" and more.
A nice issue reflecting the importance of Christian values in dealing with compelling issues of the day. Eight pages nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War