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Much on the Revolutionary War...
Much on the Revolutionary War...
Item # 597929
February 13, 1779
EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Feb. 13, 1779 Page 2 includes: "...dispatches were brought to Lord George Germain's office...with an account of the surrender of the province of Georgia to his Majesty's troops under the command of Col. Campbell..." plus some reports from New York which include: "...That Colonel Butler had been extremely successful in his enterprise upon the back settlements & the interior of the country...That the Congress sat from day to day which they regularly spent in wrangling & fruitless disputes...That Gen. Washington had written to them in the most pressing terms for other supplies than paper currency...and giving them notice as his ultimatum that if they were unwilling or incapable of supplying him in the necessary manner he should bet leave or resign his command...That Gen. Clinton...received advice that Col. Campbell was at Savannah...& there was the most flattering prospect of an universal return to allegiance in that part of the revolted colonies..." plus more (see).
There is much more concerning the Revolutionary War in this issue, carrying over to page 3 as well, and mentioning that: "John Jay is now President of the Congress...Washington's head quarters are fixed for the winter near bound Brook...He has about 2700 men with him there..." plus much more.
Four pages, folio size, period notations on some ads & margins, nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War