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Nice baseball issue, with illustrations...
Nice baseball issue, with illustrations...
Item # 597836
July 28, 1892
HELENA WEEKLY INDEPENDENT, Helena, Montana, July 28, 1892
* 18th century baseball
Page 11 has an uncommonly lengthy article on baseball with one column heads: "GREAT AMERICAN GAME" "Capt. Nash, of the Bostons, Gives Some Valuable Points to Beginners" "One of the Beset Third Basemen Who Ever Lined Them Into First" 'How the Young Player Should Study His Own Ability & Develop It--Infield Play". The article, taking nearly two columns, also includes two illustrations, one of which is of "Capt. Wm. M. Nash"
Twelve pages, light browning, otherwise good. Should be handled with care.
Category: Post-Civil War