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The Reconstruction era... Cornerstone for a new Jewish synagogue...
The Reconstruction era... Cornerstone for a new Jewish synagogue...
Item # 594108
April 19, 1866
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 19, 1866 Most of the front page is taken up with Reconstruction item with first column heads: "WASHINGTON NEWS" "Speech of President Johnson to the Soldiers & Sailors" "He Reiterates His Views on the Reconstruction Policy of Congress" "His Efforts for the Restoration of the Southern States" "The Rewards for Arresting the Assassins of President Lincoln" and more.
The back page has: "Laying the Corner Stone of a New Jewish Synagogue in 39th Street" which is concerning the Adas Jeshurun, noting that Rabbi Rev. Dr. Adler laid the corner stone to the synagogue being built on 29th St. between Seventh & Eighth Avenues. Various details of it (see).
Eight pages, very nice condition.
Category: Post-Civil War