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Standard Oil announces plan of dissolution... Aviation's largest purse...

Item # 584509

August 01, 1911

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1, 1911  The front page of this issue announces "Standard Oil's Plan of Dissolution is Finally Announced" which states how the stock in 35 companies will be distributed among the stockholders in the parent company. This involves approximately 220,000 certificates. 
Another frontpage article is "Chicago's Aviation Event for Largest Purse Ever Offered" with subhead "Contest at Grant Park to Be for Prizes Having a Total Value of $80,000, Backed by Guaranty Fund - Many Fliers Enter - Expenditure of $225,000 Contemplated by Association Management to Insure Success of the Meet". The stadium will be the largest ever erected and will seat more than 60,000 people. Some names of those to be there were: Glenn H. Curtiss, Tom Sopwith, J. A. D. McCurdy, John J. Frisbie, Harry N Atwood, Charles Willard and others.
Other news, stories, and advertisements of the day are within.
This is complete in 12 pages and is in very good condition.

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Category: The 20th Century