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Relics of the U.S.S. Maine are being found... Harry Atwood flight across the country continues... President Taft's silver anniversary...
Relics of the U.S.S. Maine are being found... Harry Atwood flight across the country continues... President Taft's silver anniversary...
Item # 583311
June 20, 1911
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Massachusetts, June 20, 1911 The front page of the carries an article "Flight Across Country Resumed In New Hampshire By Atwood" which also includes a small photo with the caption "Biplane Used on Passenger Trip From Massachusetts Into an Adjoining State - Harry N Atwood In Flight". Other articles include: "More Maine Relics Brought to Light As Water Lowers" which is of the recovery work being done on the U.S.S. Maine which was sunk off the coast of Cuba many years prior, and "Silver Wedding Over President Is Ready For A Speaking Trip - Will Spend Remainder of Week in New York and Vicinity and in Visiting New England Cities - Shakes 5000 Hands - White House lawn Reception Unique in History, Foreign Rulers Send Messages" which also includes a large photos "Family Group at the Silver Wedding of President Taft."
Other news, sports and advertisements are within.
This is complete in 12 pages with several small binding holes along the left spine, otherwise is nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century