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Rare Confederate Memphis broadside...

Item # 580128

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April 20, 1861

DAILY APPEAL EXTRA, Memphis, Tennessee, April 20, 1861

* Very rare Confederate broadside
* Beginning of the Civil War
* Vicksburg MS Mississippi

An extremely scarce item, being a broadside edition (printed on one side only) of a newspaper from early in the Confederacy from a city which was only "Confederate" until the battle of Memphis, June 6, 1862, after which it was in Yankee control.
The front has a very nice graphic devise at the top of the first column showing a cannon and Confederate flag, with heads: "THE WAR NEWS ! " "Star of the West Taken As A Prize ! " "Harper's Ferry Burned---Arms and Munitions Destroyed ! " "Munitions of War From Louisiana ! " "Arms & Ammunition Offered the City of Memphis". A bit further down the first column are: "Lincoln Blockades All Southern Ports ! " "East Tennessee all Right ! " "Gov. Hicks Declares It Impossible to Subjugate The South ! "
The Second column has an article headed: "Call for Tennessee Volunteers" and "Letter From Gen. Pillow ! " There is also a report: "By this Morning's Mail ! " beginning: "Private telegrams received here from Virginia state that a secession ordinance was adopted in the convention at one o'clock this morning..." (see). The balance of the front page is taken up with other war-related events.
Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this issue is the back page printing of a map of the Vicksburg vicinity. The siege of Vicksburg  didn't happen until mid-May, 1863 thru its fall to the Yankees on July 4, 1863. Note that the heading of the map reads: "Position of the Fleets Above and Below The City" showing the positions of both Porter's and Farragut's fleets. Their appearance in the Mississippi did not happen until 1863. I surmise this "Extra" edition was lying around in the printing office and since the back side was blank they used it as a test sheet for printing this map, which likely appeared in a the "Memphis Appeal" newspaper at some point in May, June, or July, 1863. A truly fascinating curiosity to have printings from two different periods in a single issue, and one being a map.
Complete as a single sheet newspaper, some loss to the first column (see), old tape mends to the first column as well, and a bit close-trimmed at the spine edge affecting just a few letters. Some light damp staining, a wide right margin, and very mild wear.
An exceedingly rare opportunity for a Confederate broadside newspaper, not to mention the rarity of a later-period map on the reverse.

Category: Confederate