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Great Levi Strauss ad...

From Sacramento County...

Item # 579939

January 01, 1893

WEEKLY GALT GAZETTE, California, 1893  An uncommon Old West newspaper from Northern California from a town originally known as Dry Creek Township. This city had its beginning during the Gold Rush era, but was formally laid out by the Western Pacific Railroad Company in 1869. Many of the original 19th century homes are still standing in an excellent state of preservation.
Note the ad at the top of the front page for "Overalls & Spring Bottom Pants...Levi Strauss & Co." Four pages, folio size, some minor margin tears, news agent's stamp at the top, nice condition. This listing is generic, however the issue you receive will be of this year, with the Levi Strauss ad, & have a very similar look.

Category: The Old West