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World's longest continuous flight...

Item # 578251

December 31, 1910

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Massachusetts, December 31, 1910  The front page of this issue reports "French Aeroplanist In World's Longest Continous Flight" with Maurice Tabuteau, contesting for the Michelin Cup, broke the aviation record covering 326.66 miles of continous flight in 7 hours 45 minutes. Other headlines include: "Chicago 1910 Record for New Buildings Reaches $96,000,000"; "Alaska Production of Gold Falls Off $4,000,000 For Year"; and "New Star Seen by Harvard Men at Observatory". Other news, sports and advertisements are within.

This is complete in 16 pages with several tiny binding holes along the left spine, a tear in the upper margin , otherwise in good condition.

Category: The 20th Century