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The "Special Edition" on the death of President Garfield...
The "Special Edition" on the death of President Garfield...
Item # 576833
July 23, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 23, 1881 This is the "Special Edition" of Harper's on the death of President James Garfield, and is entirely different from the "regular" edition of the same date as found as item 174580 on our website.
This "Special Edition" is considerably more rare, seldom found in sets of Harper's Weekly when the become available. The entire front page is taken up with a cameo-like engraving of "James A. Garfield" (see).
The double page centerfold is a Thomas Nast print captioned: "At Liberty's Door", noting the deaths of both Garfield and Lincoln (see). Two halfpg. prints are captioned: "Around a Bulletin Board, Richmond, Virginia" and "The Tragedy at Washington--Encampment of Soldiers on the White House Lawn". Various related articles as well.
The issue is complete in 16 pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text. See photos for details.
Category: Harper's Weekly