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Al Capone incarerated in 1931...
Al Capone incarerated in 1931...
Item # 575088
October 28, 1931
THE COLDWATER DAILY REPORTER, Coldwater, Michigan, October 28, 1931
* Al Capone recently found guilty
* Tax evasion trial
* In prison
This 6 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "CAPONE TO REMAIN IN COUNTY JAIL" and "Convicted Gangster Granted Stay But Refused Freedom of Bond". This tells of Al Capone in Cook County Jail awaiting transfer to Atlanta Penitentiary where he was recently sentence to 11 years.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Light browning with little margin wear and close cutting along the spine. Should be handled with care.
Category: The 20th Century