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Adolph Hitler assassination attempt...
Adolph Hitler assassination attempt...
Item # 569089
November 11, 1939
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, November 11, 1939
* Adolph Hitler assassination attempt
* Johann Georg Elser
This 20 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "MISSILE THROWN AT HUGE PICTURE OF ADOLPH HITLER" "Window Before It in Berlin Store of Fuehrer's Photographer Smashed" and more. (see)
Other news of the day throughout. Light browning with minor margin wear, otherwise in good condition.
wikipedia notes: In autumn of 1938, Europe was on the verge of war because of the Sudetenland Crisis. After the experience of World War I, the Germans were apprehensive about another war and Elser shared this anxiety. Though war was averted at the last minute, Elser mistrusted Hitler's peace proclamations and considered removing the Nazi leadership by assassination. Reflecting on how to implement his plan, Elser travelled to Munich on 8 November 1938, to attend Hitler's annual speech on the anniversary of the failed Hitler Putsch. The craftsman from Königsbronn not only judged the poorly-guarded event to be a favourable opportunity, but also witnessed the same night the outbursts of anti-Jewish violence during the Kristallnacht. This experience convinced Elser that a leadership capable of inciting such violence would plunge Germany into a major war, and that only Hitler's death could stop this move into catastrophe.
Elser chose the next anniversary of the Hitler Putsch, when Hitler would return to Munich, and decided to kill him with a bomb during his speech. After he had constructed the bomb, Elser travelled to Munich again. He managed to stay inside the Bürgerbräukeller after closing hours each night for over a month, during which time he hollowed out the pillar behind the speaker's rostrum, and placed the bomb inside it.
While he was making these preparations, World War II broke out on 1 September 1939, proving his estimations correct. Elser, being focused on his work, hardly noticed this.[citation needed] Unbeknownst to Elser, Hitler had cancelled his planned speech at the Bürgerbraukeller because of the war, but then changed his mind, and agreed to attend the anniversary after all. This was on the condition that he could return to Berlin that same night. Since fog prevented a flight back to Berlin, Hitler decided to take the train, which meant finishing his speech earlier than expected. On 8 November, 1939, the bomb exploded at 21:20, exactly as Elser had planned, but Hitler had already left the room thirteen minutes earlier. Eight people died and sixty-three were injured, sixteen of them seriously, and Elser's plot to assassinate Hitler had failed.
Category: The 20th Century