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General Gage killed?...
General Gage killed?...
Item # 567893
October 01, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 1, 1774 Inside has a report noting: "...some commotions at Boston in New England, that a very great number of the army have deserted; and that some mischief has been done. It was also reported that General Gage was killed & that two regiments of his troops have revolted..." (see).
The back page has some American content including: "The sudden dissolution of Parliament...occasioned by the present critical situation of affairs in North America which renders the advice of a new Parliament necessary...A letter from a Correspondent at Philadelphia...confirms the former advices from thence & other American colonies of the discontents of the people on account of the Boston port bill, etc., also the congress to be held at Philadelphia & the non-importation agreements..." with more, including: "In the colony of Massachusetts Bay...the Militia was mustered which consisted of 119,600 effective men belonging to that colony only, all trained and disciplined as well as the best troops in Great Britain..." with more (see).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, partial red tax stamp on pg. 4, great condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's