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Hamburg, Germany bombardment...
Hamburg, Germany bombardment...
Item # 563211
July 29, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, July 29, 1943
* Hamburg Germany bombardment
* RAF - Allies - Firestorm
* Operation Gomorrah
This 36 page newspaper has a three line banner headline on the front page: "PEACE RIOTS, STRIKE REPORTED IN NORTH ITALY; ROOSEVELT HAILS 'FIRST CRACK' IN THE AXIS, OUTLINES POST-WAR AID FOR ALL U.S. FORCES" with subheads that include: "RAF IN PEAK BLOW" "Hamburg Is Target for More Than 2,500 Tons of Bombs" "Deep Reich Ahead" and more.
Other news of the day throughout with much on World War II. Light browning, otherwise in good condition.
wikipedia notes: The Allied Bombing of Hamburg during World War II (September 1939-April 1945) included numerous strategic bombing missions and diversion/nuisance raids. As a large port and industrial center, Hamburg's shipyards/U-boat pens and the Hamburg-Harburg area oil refineries were attacked throughout the war. A July 1943 Operation Gomorrah attack created one of the two firestorms raised by the RAF in WWII, killing tens of thousands in Hamburg. As with the bombing of other cities, RAF and USAAF bombings of Hamburg included the use of various strategies (e.g., area bombing), tactics (Pathfinders), and technologies (H2S radar).
On the night of 27 July, shortly before midnight, 739 aircraft[clarification needed] attacked Hamburg. The unusually dry and warm weather, the concentration of the bombing in one area, and firefighting limitations due to Blockbuster bombs used in the early part of the raid culminated in the so-called "Feuersturm" (firestorm). The tornadic fire created a huge inferno with winds of up to 240 km/h (150 mph) and reaching temperatures of 800 °C (1,500 °F), which incinerated some eight square miles (21 km²) of the city. Asphalt streets burst into flame, and most of the casualties (40,000) caused by Operation Gomorrah happened on this night (many killed were in shelters).
Category: The 20th Century