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Lend Lease Program...
Lend Lease Program...
Item # 553027
September 05, 1940
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, September 5, 1940
* Lend Lease Program
* World War II relief
* U.S. Destroyers
This 10 page newspaper has a headline on the front page: "Predicts Hitler Try to Retaliate on U.S." with subheads that include: "More Destroyers Are Being Put Into Shape At Boston Navy Yard"; "Six Already Are At Sea Out Of Port"; "Sip Transfer Is Discussed By Churchill" and more.
Other news of the day. A few small binding holes along the spine. Lite browning around the margins and minor fold wear, but without loss of text, otherwise in good condition.
wikipedia notes: Lend-Lease was the name of the program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied nations with vast amounts of war material between 1941 and 1945 in return for, in the case of Britain, military bases in Newfoundland, Bermuda and the British West Indies. It began in March 1941, nine months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Category: The 20th Century