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Religion and Governement in 1855...
Religion and Governement in 1855...
Item # 221680
July 04, 1855
NEW YORK HERALD, July 4, 1855.
* Religion & government
* Know Nothing Party
Page 2 has a lengthy and compelling letter to the editor: Impossibility of Uniting Religion with Politics in this Country. Concerned the religious intolerance of the Know Nothing party. News of the day includes: "The Prohibitory Liquor Laws" "The War of the Railroads" "The Watering Places" and much more. Little margin wear, otherwise in good condition.
* Religion & government
* Know Nothing Party
Page 2 has a lengthy and compelling letter to the editor: Impossibility of Uniting Religion with Politics in this Country. Concerned the religious intolerance of the Know Nothing party. News of the day includes: "The Prohibitory Liquor Laws" "The War of the Railroads" "The Watering Places" and much more. Little margin wear, otherwise in good condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War