Sewing Machine Ad...
Item # 202517
SATURDAY EVENING COURIER, New York, September 21, 1861
* Grover and Baker's Noiseless Sewing Machine
* Civil War Literary Stories
* Various Advertisements
The front page of this 4 page issue contains various one column headlines and literary pieces concerning the Civil War and Civil War Era themes,including "The Corporal's Story", "Lady Mabel" by Alfred Austin, ""An Affair of the Heart", and "The Comforts of Defeat". The issue also contains an illustrated ad for "Grover and Baker's Noiseless Sewing Machines". There is additional news of the day and a wealth of ads (including both illustrated ship and medicinal related ads). Not the least bit browned or fragile as high quality, cloth-based newsprint was used at this time.
Category: Yankee