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Mark Twain's death... Special issue...
Mark Twain's death... Special issue...
Item # 177847
April 30, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 30, 1910 The prime content within this issue is the content related to the life and death of Mark Twain. The front page has: "Mark Twain: 1835-1910". Several pages include text and prints related to his life and work (see images). The issue also contains: "A Diana of Africa", The First LAdy On South Africa", the double page centerfold, "Susceptibility", by James Montgomery Flagg, "Rougier, The French Aviator, Flying Over The Cap D'Ail At Monaco In A Voisin Machine", "Without Benefit Of Customs", by Frank Tenney Johnson, and more.
This issue also includes the color cover of Twain. The issue is complete in 34 pages.
Category: The 20th Century