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Villa and Zapata...
Villa and Zapata...
Item # 177792
January 16, 1915
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, January 16, 1915
In this issue, there are several articles including "'Suffering Women'" by George Creel; "Genius in Hockey" by Herbert Reed; "Doc Munyon and His Pals" by George Creel; "High Explosives in War" by Hudson Maxim; "The Gentle Zapatistas" by Allene Tupper Wilkes (with two small related photos); "Villa Enters Mexico City"; "Standards of Censorship" by W. P. Lawson, plus much more.
There are also several illustrations in this issue including "Pen and Inklings--A Case of the Willies" by Oliver Herford and the double page centerfold illustration which is titled "The Allies" by Boardman Robinson.There is also a full page photo spread of photos from the war.
Other advertisements of the day are included as well, helping to portray life at the turn of the century. This issue is in very good condition.
Category: Harper's Weekly