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10 Die in 12-Inch Rifle Malfunction....
10 Die in 12-Inch Rifle Malfunction....
Item # 177572
August 06, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 6, 1910
This issue a full color, cover page. The front page of this issue has a photo of "Ohio's Republican Candidate for Governor."
This issue has an illustration of "A Parallelogram" by Kemble and an article with photos of "A Diana in Africa" by H. R. H. Helene de France, Duchess of Aosta. There are photos of "When a Great Gun Goes Wrong" and "A Women's Magna Charta" by Sydney Brooks. There is also a double page illustration of "Tit For Tat" by Herbert Dunton and much more.
Other advertisements of the day are included as well, helping to portray life at the turn of the century.
This is a complete issue in 16 pages.
Category: Harper's Weekly