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The Revolution in Nicaragua.... Football...
The Revolution in Nicaragua.... Football...
Item # 177554
February 19, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 19, 1910
The front page of this issue has an illustration of "The Proof of the Porridge--" by H. G. Williamson.
In this issue, there are photos of "The Memorial to Phillips Brooks"; "With the Revolutionists in Nicaragua"; "The Ancestral Home of the Washingtons" and "From 'Salome' to 'Marguerite'". The double page illustration is of "The Anvil Chorus" by Anton Fischer and there is an article with photos of "The Football Reformers--The Fourteen Men Who Have the Difficult Task of Revising the American Game of Football." Also in this issue is an illustration of "'Shinny on Your Own Side!'" by Wm. L. Jacobs plus much more.
Other advertisements of the day are included as well, helping to portray life at the turn of the century.
Category: Harper's Weekly