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The Death of Lady Curzon.... H.G. Wells...

Item # 177405

August 18, 1906

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 18, 1906 There is a front page illustration, "The English Cousin Arrives" by George McEvoy. There is both an article, "The Future in America" by H. G. Wells, author of War of the Worlds, and illustrations by Vernon Howe Bailey and E. V. Nanherdy to go with the article. "Japan's Capacity for the Supremacy of the Far East" by J. Ingram Bryan, M. A., M.Litt. is included and a photo of "The New Head of the Japanese Army" by Underwood & Underwood. There is an illustration, "The "Marlborough-Blenheim,"The Most Striking Architectural Feature of Atlantic City" by Vernon Howe Bailey and photos of "The Funeral of Lady Curzon of Kedleston." There is also, "An Unfamiliar Aspect of New York Harbor"; "The New York Central's High-Speed Electric Locomotive" and other advertisements of the day are included as well. See photos for full details.

Category: Harper's Weekly