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The Wright brothers fly!
The Wright brothers fly!
Item # 177369
January 30, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 30, 1904 Near the back is an article marking perhaps the most significant development of the 20th century, that being manned flight. Note this issue is the month following the Wright brothers first flight at Kitty Hawk.
The article is headed: "Progress of Science - The Problem of Flight" and the text includes: "...In a test near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the aeroplance designed by William (sic) and Orville Wright rose from the ground with its own power, remained in flight for a period of fifty-seven seconds at a speed of about ten miles an hour & finally landed safely with its passengers...the power was supplied by a sixteen horse-power gasolene motor which was able to drive the aeroplane at a speed of thirty-one miles an hour...It made four successful ascents. Mr. Wright, who has acquired great experience in manipulating the aeroplane in actual experiments in the air...was able to rise and land safely in each instance." plus more, with the full text of the article seen in the photos.
Category: Harper's Weekly