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Death of Grover Cleveland... Mark Twain...
Death of Grover Cleveland... Mark Twain...
Item # 177355
July 04, 1908
There is a photo of "The Tribute to a Pioneer" which is of the statue of John W. Mackay.
Other photos include "The Prettiest Princess in Europe" which is of Prince Andreas wife, and "Playtime with Taft." There is a double page illustration of "The Democratic Wild West at Denver" by E. W. Kemble; two illustrations by James Montgomery Flagg, both a half page and called "The Emotions", and then sub-called "Hope" and the other "Despair"; and a illustration by Bayard Jones called "The Rivals." Also, there is an article with photos of "Mark Twain's New Home at Redding."
Other advertisements of the day are included as well, helping to portray life at the turn of the century.
Category: Harper's Weekly