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Christmas issue... Mark Twain story...
Christmas issue... Mark Twain story...
Item # 177283
December 10, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 10, 1904 Full page Paintings, "Here is all I have to give thee--It is the King's Jewel"; "I know thy heart, that thou dost love me well"; "....Not for myself do I seek this vengeance" all by H. Pyle; "The Evening of Christmas"; The $30,000 Bequest by Mark Twain; "The Story of Bethlehem"; The Reveille"; "Jacob and Rachel at the Well"; His Star by Elizabeth Ruggles; "The Old Folks at Home" by Margaret Eckerson; and other advertisements of the day. The issue is complete in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text. See photos for details.
Category: Harper's Weekly