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The Resurrection of Tombstone...
The Resurrection of Tombstone...
Item # 177145
May 17, 1902
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 17, 1902 Frontpage photo Rear-Admiral Sampson; The Ascent of Mt. Vesuvius by Railway with photos; fullpage photo Michael Augustine Corrigan; fullpage "Wild Range-Horses In The Corral" by Dixon; fullpage photos As to the Charge of Ugliness in new York's Sky-Line; fullpage photo A Jamaican Century-Plant; fullpage photo Mrs. Arthur T. Kemp; The Resurrection of Tombstone with photos; doublepage centerfold "The First Flight of the City Girl" by Ransom; fullpage photos Some Humors of the Zoo; fullpage illustration General DeSaix and the Captured Peasant; photos of The Volcanic Disaster at Martinique; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.
Category: Harper's Weekly