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The Transvaal Crisis at Johnnesburg...
The Transvaal Crisis at Johnnesburg...
Item # 176474
September 16, 1899
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 16, 1899 The front page is a full page illustration of "The Transvaal Crisis--President Kruger Entering the Central Bureau at Johannesburg." Fullpg. with 5 photos: "Homeward Bound with Adm. Dewey" & fullpg: "Mounted Troops for the Philippines--embarkation at Seattle of the 3rd U.S. Cavalry for Manila". There is another full page with two photos of "Philadelphia--The Annual Convention of the Grand Army of the Republic"Several yachting photos.
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. This issue is complete in 26 pages and is in good condition.
Category: 1890-1899