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Huron, South Dakota...
Huron, South Dakota...
Item # 176100
February 15, 1896
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 15, 1896 Full front pg. illus. of "The Shot That Failed." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Detroit's Marine Postal Service - Delivering Mail to a Steamer Under Full Headway on the Detroit River." Full pg. illus. of "Prize-Winning Pictures of the Year." Full pg. portrait of "Francois Felix Faure, President of the French Republic."
Two full pgs. of illus. of "Elihu Vedder's Decorations for the New Congressional Library, Washington, D.C." 1/2 pg. of illus. of "With the World's Transportation Commission - Singapore." 1/2 pg. of illus. of "The First American Waterloo, Huron, South Dakota."
Complete issue.
Category: 1890-1899